Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 1 on my uphill path to healthiness

In an unprecedented breach of my own privacy, I am going to start writing about my daily struggles to get healthy.  I don't know why I am making this decision, other than I feel like venting about it might result in less pent up hostility and grouchiness on my part.  Plus I'm sure my husband and friends are going to get sick of hearing about it sooner or later.  I'm only about half way through Day 1 and I am already angry hungry, so who knows how long it will last, but here goes. 

Today is my first day entering my food into MyFitnessPal (hereinafter "MFP").  I love that you can use your phone to scan bar codes.  It makes tracking easier and increases the likelihood I will stick with it.  I hate that MFP has decided that I can only consume 1270 calories a day.  For real?  I consume over half of that for lunch every day at Jimmy John's.  Oops.  After writing that, I realize why I need MFP.  Ugh.

One more reason to "ugh" - it's only 6:20 pm and I have only 18 of my 1270 calories left for the day. That's right.  18.  If I even look at food I am going to exceed my calorie allotment for the day.  And I'm starving.  So starving that I am salivating right now because they are showing banana slugs on TV and they look just like bananas, which are delicious.  I would definitely punch someone for a banana right now.  That's how hungry I am.

How am I going to work out with the trainer in 25 minutes feeling as hungry and weak as I do right now??  I don't know.  I'll probably just pass out.   

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